Their ability to take flight and migrate to almost anywhere on the planet, makes birds so amazing. Elusive, mysterious, and wonderful! All in colorful and artful splendor. Birds seem to know no bounds. We can only watch in awe.
Quickly after picking up my camera in 2016, I realized that capturing the wonders of Nature around us was existential. Inspirational moments in the movement of the world. At the very least participate in conversations about preserving this fascinating planet we inhabit.
A peaceful morning or serene sunset…and all the gratitude in between each day. With Landscapes I hoped to freeze that ideal time overlooking the right vista. Gaze into the window of a world you may not have seen this way.
Cities with all of their hustle and bustle it can be hard sometimes to sit and take in all there is to experience. Sights, sounds, and lights all aglow. No wonder why as humans we are so attracted to their glimmer and grunge. The steel, glass, and concrete all in concert to fill our hearts.